Behavioral Science Courses

Here are 14 Behavioral Science courses that are offered online, which I think would be great for you to learn from!

1) Behavior Design Course - by Aim For Behavior taught by Robert Meza. Get 20% off with Code: BASICS20

Learn how to apply behavioral science and human-centered design principles to create better experiences for your customers and employees. The course comes with 4 hands on case studies that show you step by step how to go from a behavior to an solution. This is made for practitioners to be able to implement the learnings right into their work

2) Behavioral Design Bootcamp - by Irrational Labs 

Learn at your own pace, discovering how to use behavioral economics to boost KPIs, and enhance customer experience.

3) Applied Principles and Practice of Behaviour Change - by UCL and taught by Susan Michie, Robert West, and colleagues.

Participants will be introduced to the principles of behaviour change, and how these can be applied to practical problems. The course is aimed at anyone who is interested in behaviour change.

4) Self-Determination Theory - by Richard M Ryan over at Coursera

In this course, Professor Richard Ryan, co-founder of the theory, will provide an overview of SDT with special emphasis on how autonomy, competence, and relatedness supports and facilitates behavior.

5) Drivers Of Behavior Course - by Aim For Behavior taught by Robert Meza

In this self-paced course, you will get a practical understanding of the COM-B model and the Theoretical Domains Framework and see how a Behavior Design Diagnosis can help you remove barriers to change.

6) Tiny Habits Academy - by BJ Fogg, PhD

The Tiny Habits® method makes habit creation easy, sustainable and approachable.

7) The Habits Academy - by James Clear

The 40+ lessons covers powerful ways to change your habits based on proven scientific research.

8) Indistractable - by Nir Eyal

You’ll learn powerful strategies to help you recognize and overcome your personal triggers and weak areas.

9) Gamification & Behavioral Design - by Yu-kai Chou

Learn how to use Gamification to make a positive impact on your work and life - You will learn the Octalysis Framework.

10) Social Norms - by Cristina Bicchieri over at Coursea

This is a course on social norms, the rules that glue societies together. It teaches how to diagnose social norms, and how to distinguish them from other social constructs, like customs or conventions. The course is a joint Penn-UNICEF project.

11) Changing Behaviour for Sustainable Development - by edX and Monash Sustainable Development Institute

Learn to apply behavioural insights to achieve the changes we wish to see at a local and global scale.

12) An Introduction to Behavior-Centred Design - by Rare

Gain hands-on experience designing behavior change solutions to environmental challenges.

13) Training with Coglode - by Coglode with Jerome Ribot and team

Learn how to apply the nuggets developed by the Cogloade team.

14) Emotional Design Psychology & Neuroscience - by Behavioral Design Academy and Brian Cugelman, PhD

Learn how to build emotionally driven technology & and campaigns.

I will continue to add more courses as I find more that I think would be good to add to the list.
(If you have any you would like to add to the list, please Get in touch with me)


Psychological safety in organizations needs a holistic approach.


What most people think are habits are most probably routines.